Article Edit

For those who are adapted with the attendance of tickets at OTRS, it is known that when interacting with tickets (responding, adding notes or even reclassifying automatically) the analyst creates articles that are added, and within these articles can exist dynamic fields that are embedded with relevant business information, for example: Start and end time of a service; A field with the name of an affiliate, building, among other information that can assist in solving the ticket.

However, since these logs are created, the OTRS does not allow the attendant to edit the article to correct any errors.

With that in mind, we developed the add-on ArticleEdit, which allow the attendants to edit dynamic fields in case of wrong information insertion or eventualities that require changes, as usually occurs in various professional environments and in the management of teams in companies.

Edit History

Besides to allowing the contents of the articles and the duration of the service be changed, due to security issues, the module displays a history with the previous versions, if it is necessary to consult this information in the future.

This and other Enterprise AddOns are available to support clients and Subscription Plans.

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