Customer Easy Registration

Service Desks that use OTRS as a CRM or provide services to third parties, have a constant need to register new customers and companies to facilitate communication, statistics, accounting for hours, searches and organize service in general.

The default OTRS client registration process is fragmented, making the registration of a new user a time consuming task because it works with large forms on separate screens, one to register the company (CustomerID) and another to register the client user.

Another peculiarity is that the registration of the company is done by the system administrator, since the access is in the administration interface and the customer registration is an operator's task. To finish this registration without the necessary permissions is almost impossible, besides running the risk of losing the information to update the page in case the customer registration begins first, and there are already long and good lost minutes.

Our Solution

Thinking about optimizing this process, we developed Customer Easy Registration. With it, when accessing a ticket from a customer not yet registered, the attendant visualizes an intuitive notification:

The fields that make up this form are customizable according to the relevance to your service, omitting unnecessary information to expedite the process of registering the customer and solving the ticket at once.

Optionally, the system can automatically bring up a customer ID suggestion, based on the email domain keeping the field editable.

Add Client

If the ticket is created by email and the sender of the ticket contains the name, such as "Ronaldo Richieri", the Name and Last Name fields are already filled in.

By clicking "Add Customer", in addition to creating the company and the customer, the system will associate the new customer and company with the call.

This and other Enterprise AddOns are available to support clients and Subscription Plans.

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