Ligero Subscription

Ligero Subscription

All AddOns in Ligero Subscription are available for Complemento's clients. Know how to acquire Your Subscription and have an optimized ((OTRS)) Community Edition with exclusive features.

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Article Edit - Allows you to edit Articles and it's dynamic fields. You can define exclusive groups which will have permission to this module.
Auto Ticket - Don't forget important tasks. Automate your ticket creation and improve your business productivity.
Better Work Orders - Enable specific Dynamic Fields for each type of work order. Create field categories and much more!
Clean OTRS - Developed for easy viewing, the Clean OTRS module makes the interface cleaner and comfortable.
Custom Article Template - Create pre defined templates for tickets according to the selected service, and it's going to fill up Subject and Body for your customers.
Customer Easy Registration - Left the fragmented registration process of the OTRS behind. Developed to facilitate this process, we made the Customer Easy Registration.
Dashboards - Incredible Real Time Dashboards for your OTRS, based on High Charts library.
Dynamic Survey - Reports and Dashboards of clients satisfaction about your customer service, simply and quickly.
Followers - The Followers module was developed in order to streamline and facilitate the usage of OTRS by the agent. With the use of it is possible to add followers and notes for the call on the same interface of his view quickly and intuitively.
Forms - Create forms for each one of your services.
Integração MediaWiki - The MediaWiki Integration module allows to see the pages of the Wiki through the OTRS interface.
Kanban Ticket Board - Kanban visualization of your tickets. Agile ticket organization.
OLA - Controle o tempo disponível de atendimento para cada equipe de sua Central de Atendimento, criando acordos de nível organizacional.
Process Exporter - Possibilidade a exportação de processos e seus campos dinâmicos, facilitando a replicação dos mesmos a partir de sistemas de homologação para produção
Smart Classification - Quick ticket classification. You can be alerted if the ticket is not full filled. Auto suggests classifications if connected to Ligero Smart®.
SMS Notify - Sending SMS's based on system events.
Support Plans - Create support plans or packages, compound by SLA and Services and attach it to your customer companies.

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