Smart Classification

When a service is based on good practice, whenever a new request is received in the OTRS, it is necessary to be classified correctly. This greatly facilitates the service, directing the ticket to the qualified sector that will resolve it, as well as to constitute precise data for surveys, reports and serve as a parameter in strategic actions for the operation.

In the OTRS, when a ticket is received by e-mail, it does not come classified, being in charge of the task attendant to perform the correct classification based on the request of the applicant and its operating criteria. To do this, it must always remember to click on the classification properties, where in a new window should populate the available fields needed and send the classification.

Complemento developed the Smart Classification, a new feature where at ticket opening, the attendant sees a notification followed by the fields for a correct classification of the ticket.


  • Guarantee of classification of the ticket, by the intuitiveness and accessibility of the form to fill;
  • Agility in the process;
  • No pop-ups or additional screens, as the default OTRS sort screen appears.
Smart Classification
Smart Classification

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